Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Maasai Creed

One of my recent discoveries is NPR's Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett. As I was driving to church one Sunday, I turned on the radio and heard Krista interviewing Kate Braestrup, a widow who went to seminary, became a Unitarian Universalist minister, and is now chaplain for the Maine Warden Service.

I love stories. I love stories about people. And I especially love stories about people and God.

I'm usually busy on Sunday mornings, but I found that I can download the episodes to my iPod, and listen to them when I'm out walking or driving. I make sure I have four or five episodes ready to go. The Archives section has shows going back all the way to 2001. It will be quite a while before I listen to them all.

One show was on The Need for Creeds. On the website I found the Maasai Creed. It was composed in about 1960 by Western Christian missionaries for the Maasai people, an indigenous African tribe of semi-nomadic people located primarily in Kenya and northern Tanzania. It's a beautiful creed. I would like to use it in worship the Sunday I share my experiences in Malawi, Africa. It will remind us that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

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