Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I've got too much to say...

One of the joys I've discovered of preaching every week is living in the text. I get to breathe it in all week, think about it, meditate on it, read about it, listen to God about it, pray about it, and keep it in the back of my mind as I'm washing dishes and taking a walk.

One of the difficulties of preparing a sermon is that I gather so much great material, and I can't use it all. I have questions about various parts of the text that I don't mention in the sermon because it doesn't fit with the theme I've chosen.

So I'd like a place to share all that wonderful material, and also a place to dialogue back and forth with others about the text. What questions do you have? What is God saying to you through this passage? I want to hear various points of view, not just my own.

So I'm starting a discussion with anyone who chooses to join in. And if you'd just like to read without speaking up, that's fine, too.

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