Tuesday, December 16, 2008

God Has Chosen Me

The song I played Sunday for the offering was "God Has Chosen Me" by Bernadette Farrell and performed by the St. Thomas More Group on their CD "God Beyond All Names." There are some excellent songs on this CD. My favorites are "God Has Chosen Me" (of course), "God, Beyond All Names" and "God of Abraham Litany".

When I was at St. Mary's Church, waiting for the Christmas Musicale to start, I was leafing through their hymnbooks. One they have is "Gather" which has a lot of contemporary Catholic songs, and "God Has Chosen Me" is in it, along with some other songs by Bernadette Farrell. I'm going to purchase a copy of "Gather" so we'll be able to sing "God Has Chosen Me."


  1. Did you sing for Easter too? I think you should have a listed posted of the songs you use in a year. Maybe other pastors can use them for their sermon ideas. Have a great week! -Kim

  2. Good idea, Kim! I'll put something together.
