Monday, September 15, 2008

September 21, 2008: Exodus 16:2-15: Manna

The scripture for this week is Exodus 16:2-15, the story of God providing manna in the wilderness for the Israelites. One big part of the story is that the Israelites complain to Moses and Aaron, and to God, about the lack of food, so I started looking up references to complaining. I came across a story about the Rev. Will Bowen, who preached a sermon a while back on stopping complaining for 21 days. He got some purple wrist that his gave to his parishoners. Each time they complained, they were to switch the wristband to the other wrist. They were supposed to go 21 days without complaining. It took Rev. Bowen three months to make, some people it took seven or eight months. How would you do?

I've order a couple of wristbands, so if you see me wearing one, you'll know that I'm working on not complaining.

Here's a video clip of Rev. Bowen on NBC's Today Show.

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