Thursday, December 4, 2008

Priorities for December

I just received this email article by Tom Bandy. The Tom Bandy/Bill Easum/Bill Tenny-Brittian E-zine has some great content.

Bandy said that December is not the month for pastors to do more. He said, "I am not responsible for making Christmas meaningful for everybody else. I am only responsible for getting close to Jesus myself. If I can personally experience the real presence of Christ, then Christ will use me, shine through me, and bless others."

Perhaps that should be the Christmas priority for everyone, not just pastors: getting close to Jesus. And then others will be blessed through us.

1 comment:

  1. Your last statement is so true. If we can experience the presence of Christ so that people can see or feel this presence, then others will respond and be blessed. I like to think that it the Holy Spirit of the Trilogy working. I love Advent and Christmas because of the birth of our Savior and I feel blessed with talent I've received and I like to share what God has given me with others.

